Mac's Fund
Mac’s Fund is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that is dedicated to the well being of community and shelter cats in and around the Philadelphia area. We support local rescue organizations through education and financial assistance. The Mac Fund offers financial assistance to organizations involved in TNR programs. Mac’s Fund also supplies financial resources for emergency surgery for feral and community cats. We work closely with local animal rescue organizations to enhance the lives of these cats and to help the community better understand these misunderstood neighbors.
Punky's Pantry

The luckiest day in the life of a community cat is the day that an advocate arrives to TNR the colony. My friend and hero Cowboy Bob is one of the best who has been saving the Philly cats for many years. Watch this video to learn what TNR is all about.
CLICK HERE to visit out TNRM page to see the full process.

Punky's Pantry supplies cat food donations to community cat caregivers caring for TNR colonies in and around the Philadelphia area. Punky was our first Philly adoption and she embodied everything that is good about her city. Many know the story of how Punky insisted on being our cat, and I am so thankful that we finally listened to her. She will be missed and loved forever.
Mac’s Fund is so very grateful to be chosen by Weruva Pet food to receive cat food donations for Punky’s Pantry. Weruva’s generosity helps Mac’s Fund to continue our mission to help the forgotten cats of the Philadelphia area. Mac’s Fund urges you to support Weruva’s efforts by shopping wherever Weruva is sold.
Clare & Steve Morrison explain what Mac's Fund is all about:

Trap-Neuter-Return-Manage, or "TNRM,” is the most humane and effective method known for managing feral and stray cats. The cats, who usually live together in a group called a colony, are trapped by dedicated animal rescuers, often at their own expense, and brought to a veterinary clinic. The cats are then given a general exam, spayed or neutered, vaccinated for rabies and ear tipped to identify them as altered. After they've recovered from their surgeries, the cats are returned back to their original territory as long as the location is deemed safe. Once the colony has been been completely spayed/neutered, the caretaker who provides regular food and shelter should continue to monitor for additional cats and continue to TNR the new cats. When foster or permanent homes are available, young kittens and friendly adults are removed and placed for adoption.
TNR is not only good for the cats, but it is good for the neighborhood too! Spaying and neutering also greatly reduce nuisance behavior. Once the cats have been altered, fighting, yowling and other noise associated with mating is eliminated. The foul odor caused by unaltered males spraying to mark territory disappears. The cats themselves are healthier and less likely to spread feline diseases. Meanwhile, rodent control is maintained by the cats' continued presence.

Archimedes Printing Shoppe
Our good friends and passionate animal advocates Lucy Noland and Susan Russell have started a publishing company selling books to promote animal rescue, and we are so proud of them!! Mac's Fund is displayed prominently in Inspire Me and Good Stuff sections. The books make excellent gifts for children and adults alike! Please check them out. ArchimedesPrintingShoppe.com
Want to do more to help the cats of Philadelphia? Contact Clare HERE for Volunteer Opportunities.